don't allow yourself to be controlled by

these five things many people spend

their life at the mercy of circumstances

living at the mercy of what happens to

them living at the mercy of other people

not living in the present because

they're stuck in the prison of their

past if you want to live a great life

don't allow yourself to be controlled by

any of these things number one your past

number two

other people's opinions and judgments

number three

limited beliefs you project on yourself

number four

relationships and number five money


number one don't allow your past to

control your present or your future life

whatever happened you must let it go

leave the pain of your past behind so it

cannot ruin your future leave the

darkness of your past behind so it

cannot block the light your bright

future your past is gone

whatever happened whether unjust cruel

harsh whatever the case

reliving the events will never do you

any good if someone did you wrong the

only way you can win is if you let go

and move on if you live in hate they win

if you live in the victims story they

win if you want to win you must focus on

building your future and start right now

release that weight from your back so

you can be free don't allow events from

the past which are now gone to ruin this

moment which is perfect this moment

which is now to enjoy which is ready for

you to live fully number two don't allow

other people's opinions and judgments to

control the direction of your life the

need to

in and Phil wanted can cause you to

travel down paths you don't want to

travel people-pleasing

is a curse that should be avoided at all

costs before you do anything ask

yourself am i doing this because I want

to do it or because of my fear of

judgement from others if I don't you

were born unique for a reason you are

born to stand out to be appreciated and

loved for who you are

don't dim your light so you fit into the

dull background of other people's lives

shine bright as you are those who really

care for you will see that light and

shine with you number three don't allow

your life to be controlled by your own

limited beliefs now and warning with

this woman these beliefs may be

conscious but more than likely they're

unconscious they may be unconscious

limitations that have been conditioned

in you from a young age and throughout

your entire life by listening to those

around you who never reach for their own

dream notice your own limit

beliefs to tell them to shut up there is

nothing you cannot do nothing you cannot

have and no one you cannot become if you

believe in yourself if you believe

anything is possible

guess what anything is possible when you

change your belief from limited to

unlimited your potential is unlimited

imagine what you could achieve if you

lived your life as though anything is

possible as though miracles are a

standard requirement of everyday as the

saying goes when there is no enemy

within the enemy outside can do you no


when you have nothing inside holding you

back there is nothing outside that can

hold you back either your entire life

will change the very instant you decide

to change your mindset

the instant you decide to see everything

as a gift when you decide to see every

circumstance and challenge as a blessing

rather than a curse the very instant you

become conscious to the fact that

everything in it is as it should be

and know that fighting what is is insane


number four relationships a touchy

subject but if you are always needing

another to be happy to feel complete

then you are always one moment away from

a breakdown if that person leaves you or

unhappiness if the relationship you are

in is not going well I'm not suggesting

to avoid relationships there is no force

on earth that is greater than love and

connection I am talking about those who

can't live if they aren't in a

relationship those who will be with just

about anyone including all the wrong

ones just to avoid spending a moment

being single what I am saying is to

develop enough mental strength that you

get to the point where you don't need

others to make you happy you are just as

happy being alone as you are in a

relationship and number five

this is what controls the majority of

humans on the planet and you guess what

it is money this does not mean you

shouldn't want abundance

it doesn't mean money is evil you know

as well as I do what great things you

can do and how many people you can help

with money what this means is do not

allow your decisions to be controlled by

money if you are choosing something only

on the factor of how much money is

involved you've just made the wrong

decision what you will find is that when

you follow your heart and you lead with

your intention to serve others to give

your best to others every single time

when you follow your intuition and truly

give your soul then the money will come

and it will come and far greater amounts

than if you simply chase money for the

sake of chasing money so challenge

yourself to live the life you want to

live free from being controlled by

anything find your freedom live fully




Sleep well

- [Narrator] It seems like
there's a new study out every day

presenting scary medical news.

Figuring out how to stay
healthy can be really stressful,

and we all know that stress isn't healthy.

Fortunately, there are lots of simple ways

to boost your health.

From sleeping on your left side,

to getting a pet,

even playing video games could
be good for you in moderation

Prepare to be amazed by this
list of 20 genius health tricks

- Amazing!

- [Narrator] Number 20,
sleeping on your left side.

You may not think it matters
which side you lie on

when you go to bed but studies
have shown you're better off

snoozing on your left side.

This position improves
blood flow to your organs,

helping the spleen and
intestines work more efficiently.

There's also a big bonus
for heart burn sufferers,

since several studies have
found that sleeping on your

left side apparently reduces heartburn.

No one knows the exact reason for this,

but one hypothesis holds
that left side sleeping

keeps the junction between
the stomach and esophogas

above the level of gastric acid.

It seems very odd but it's all true

and the good thing is that
left side sleeping is a cool

and easy trick everyone can use.

Number 19, don't brush
after eating after all!

Since you were a kid,

you were probably told
to brush your teeth after

every meal, it turns out
that's not such a great idea.

Acidic food or drinks,
and even healthy foods

like fruits and vegetables
are often very acidic

and can soften your tooth enamel.

This raises the risk of
tooth damage with brushing.

A better idea is to wait 30
to 60 minutes after a meal

to brush those pearly whites.

Number 18, avoid bright lights before bed.

You may like to relax
before bed by reading

on your tablet, surfing the internet,

or updating your calendar on your phone.

Unfortunately, even if
these things are relaxing,

they can prevent you
from sleeping soundly.

It's the blue light produced
by all our electronic devices,

any kind of bright lights
at night interfere with

the production of melatonin,
a hormone that helps us sleep.

Several studies have linked
exposure to bright light at

night to increase risk of
several forms of cancer,

heart disease and obesity.

Some preliminary evidence,
suggests lower melatonin levels

may increase the risk of cancer.

If you like to read, a
paper book is a better idea

than an e-reader.

But if you have to use
something with a screen,

a pair of amber tinted glasses
can reduce the blue light

and help you sleep better.

Now that's a bright idea!

Number 17, sitting
correctly at a computer.

Sitting at a computer can
leave you with all sorts

of aches and pains and
pore posture is a big part

of the problem, admit
it, you sat up straighter

just hearing that!

Improving posture is a good start.

But there are other changes
you can make to reduce strain

when sitting, raise the
height of your chair,

put your keyboard and mouse
on your desktop surface,

and move your monitor and
laptop screen so it's at exactly

the height of your face.

That way, you won't strain
your neck looking down.

Number 16, exercising longer

is not a good way to lose weight.

While experts agree exercise
has many health benefits,

it is not a magic bullet for weight loss.

In fact, physical activity is
usually only a tiny percentage

of your daily calorie burn.

Most of the calories you
burn result from your resting

metabolism in other words,
the basic functioning of your

body like breathing!

Additionally, many people
over eat after exercise

because it makes them hungry.

If you do exercise, longer
sessions may seem like a good

idea but you'll actually
get more metabolic benefits

from a shorter, more intense workout,

than a longer one.

High intensity interval training, or HIIT,

helps you burn more calories
after you finish exercising.

One study found those
who do a HIIT workout,

burned 100 calories more
in the following 24 hours

than those who did a longer,
lower intensity, sweat session.

This can have some weight
loss benefits if you don't

follow your workout with a box of donuts.

Instead, pack a healthy snack
to eat after you exercise

as HIIT is most effective when
paired with a healthy diet.

I'm not saying that exercise
is bad and you shouldn't do it,

what I'm saying is that
exercise alone is not enough

or as important as most people think.

Instead, put more focus on
maintaining a healthy diet

and the way you exercise.

Number 15, smoothies, energy bars,

and even some salads are not healthy.

Now that you know diet and
calories are more important

than exercise when it
comes to losing weight,

you may think ordering a
salad is the way to go.

Salads certainly can be healthy

a vegetables like lettuce,
kale, and carrots,

tend to be low in calories and
high in vitamins and fiber.

But some restaurants add so much cheese,

salad dressing, and sometimes
even fried meats to their

salads that they can top 1,000 calories.

If you're dining out, ask
for dressing on the side

so you can us a small amount
and limit the extra calories.

You can also ask for
the cheese on the side,

or left off entirely.

If your salad comes with meat,

ask for it to be grilled instead of fried.

Smoothies and energy bars
often have an unhealthy

amount of calories as well

and it's always a good idea to check

the label before buying.

Or read a restaurants nutrition
info online before ordering.

Number 14, loosen your tie to
reduce your risk of glaucoma.

Wearing your tie too
tight can be uncomfortable

not just for you but also your eye balls.

There's a reason some guys
think of a neck tie as a noose.

In one study of 40 men,

adjusting a tie to slightly
uncomfortable for only three

minutes raised intra ocular pressure,

a leading cause of glaucoma.

So loosen up that tie, or better yet,

just use a clip on.

Then you'll also save yourself the stress

of having to tie it every morning.

Number 13, easy on the positive thinking,

it can make you feel more depressed.

You know the feeling,
you're having a bad day

and someone attempts
to help by telling you

to look on the bright side
or have a positive attitude.

If you find this annoying
instead of helpful,

you're not alone.

Studies have shown
positive thinking provides

only a marginal improvement
in the mood for those

with high self esteem.

Those with lower self esteem,

actually felt worse.

Probably because there's
nothing more depressing

than a fake cheer when
you're having a lousy day.

Many people actually felt
better when making a list of

negative things about themselves.

This may be because once
you've identified your faults,

you can work to improve them.

Number 12, masturbating
promotes a healthy sex drive.

Good news for the porn industry.

Masturbation is very healthy,

as it turns out, showing a
little self love is not only

temporarily present, it can
also help you have a better sex

life in general, the more
frequently you have orgasms,

the more your body produces
libido increasing hormones.

Doctor Darius Paduch,
director of sexual health

at Weill Cornell Medical College,

found out that among his patients,

this leads to a higher sex drive.

Number 11, beware of the new car smell

and open those windows.

Many people love that new car smell,

so much that it's even sold
as a variety of air freshner.

But getting a good whiff of the real thing

could actually be bad for your health.

The inside of a new car contains plastics,

adhesives and fabrics and
when these are concentrated

in a small space, like the
inside of a new vehicle,

they can release harmful gasses,

especially in high temperatures.

As much as you might
love that new car smell,

it's much healthier to
roll down the windows

and let it escape,
especially in warm weather.

Number 10, yogic breathing
improves lung function

and blood flow to the brain.

Pranayama sounds like
something you might order

at that new Indian restaurant downtown.

But it's actually a yoga
breathing principle,

yoga is healthy in general,
but if you don't have time

to bend yourself into a pretzel,

you can still benefit from pranayama.

This technique brings more
oxygen to the blood and brain.

And it can improve lung function,

just don't take any deep,
calming breaths in your new car.

Number nine, get a pet.

If you already have a pet
you probably know your furry

friend can help reduce stress.

Many studies have shown having
a pet lowers blood pressure,

and can even reduce
the risk of depression.

Seniors with Alzheimers
have fewer anxious outbursts

when an animal shares their home.

Walking a dog is also a good exercise

but your pet doesn't have
to be furry and four legged.

Watching fish swim in an
aquarium has been shown to be

just as relaxing!

Number eight, gardening reduces stress

and symptoms of depression.

Another good way to relieve
stress involves getting

down and dirty in the garden that is.

One study in the Netherlands,
showed that gardening reduces

stress even better than
other relaxing activities

like reading a book, spending time outside

and away from digital
devices, combats stress

and attention fatigue and can even

reduce symptoms of depression.

Growing healthy, fresh
produce that you can eat

and soaking up some vitamin
D from the sun are other

benefits of the outdoor activity.

Number seven, drink that wine.

Wine lovers have good reason to celebrate.

Maybe with a glass of well, wine.

Because the beverage is
actually good for you.

Wine contains polyphenols
which reduce the risk

of heart disease and cancer.

They might also have
anti bacterial properties

that are effective against
the strepto caucus bug.

Cabernet Sauvignon, may even
reduce your risk of Alzheimers.

Just make sure you don't drink
so much you lose your memory

for an entirely different reason.

Wine is best enjoyed in moderation.

Number six, bird watching
is heart healthy.

Bird watching may sound
like a sedentary pursuit

but it can actually be good exercise.

Many bird watchers spend time
walking through the woods

while looking for unusual
varieties of the feathered

creatures, walking two
miles an hour for two hours

can burn almost 400 calories

and the fresh air and immersion in nature

can also help reduce stress.

Number five, playing a musical instrument.

Even if you're not a musical genius,

playing an instrument
has many health benefits.

It improves hand eye coordination

and fine motor skills.

Better still, it can increase
your IQ by seven points.

And it's never too late to start.

Both kids and adults reap
these brain benefits.

Adults who play instruments
also have lower blood pressure.

As for the people who listen to you play,

well we'll get back to you on that.

Number four, playing video games.

You may have heard that
sitting on a couch and playing

video games is unhealthy,
and doing so all day has it's

down sides but playing video
games also has health benefits.

It reduces stress and depression,

and can even help relieve physical pain.

However, this is another
situation where moderation

is key and you should still
try to keep your screen time

to two hours a day or less.

Number three, stop trying
to shape up your butt.

Sir Mix-a-lot may have been
onto something when he rapped

about how much he likes big butts.

While many of us think
of this as a problem area

we want to reduce with diet an exercise,

the fat stored there is not your enemy.

In fact junk in the trunk
contains an anti-inflammatory

that prevents arteries
from becoming clogged

and reduces the risk of heart
disease, diabetes and stroke.

Back that thing up.

Number two, surfing the internet.

We've all heard how unhealthy
it is to spend the whole day

in front of the computer,
but some time spent surfing

the internet is actually healthy.

Researchers at UCLA
discovered searching the web

boosts brain health in
those middle aged and older.

It may even slow some of the
effects of aging on the brain

by stimulating areas that
control language, memory,

and complex reasoning.

Just make sure you take breaks
and stretch while exploring

the world wide web.

Number one, pucker up.

Assuming no one involved has mono,

kissing can be a very healthy activity.

The extra saliva from swapping spit

can help break down oral plaque on teeth,

reducing the risk of cavities
and other dental problems.

Just don't give up your toothbrush,

brushing is still a better
way of cleaning teeth.

Kissing may even help
you lose a little weight

by increasing your metabolic
rate and burning extra calories

Who knew it could be such a good way

to kiss calories goodbye!

What's the most surprising
health tip you've learned?

Hopefully this video has been helpful.

Did you learn anything new?

Also, which one did
you think was the best?

And do you know of any others?

Please let me know in
the comments down below.

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thanks for watching!

(light beeping)

Charming people

have you ever imagined what it would be

like if you could charm anyone what if

you can walk into a room full of people

and make everyone like you once mastered

the ability to be charming can improve

all areas of your life and it's an

especially useful skill to have when

you're trying to close business deals

nail interviews or make friends it's

true that some people are born with some

magic ability to charm anyone they come

into contact with

but charisma is also a skill that can be

learned if you want the ability to be

able to charm anyone you need to

understand the psychology behind

attraction and how it works as guys we

tend to think that 90% of attraction and

charisma is about looks but it's really

only about 20 to 30% of the equation in

fact your ability to charm someone is

based almost entirely on your ability to

satisfy their mind whether you're trying

to attract a girl or persuade your boss

into giving you a raise you'll find that

most people including yourself are

attracted to a person for their passion

personality and confidence as humans we

are attracted to what satisfies our mind

and senses and in the same way a hot

fresh slice of pizza makes your mouth

water you can charm others and make them

see you as the pizza when a person is

deciding if they like you everything

happens inside of their mind so if you

can appeal to their mind you've already

won 80% of the battle the question we

need to ask ourselves is how can we

attract the mind every person's brain is

like a vault that stores all of their

desires and thoughts each person is

different but we all have the same

fundamental desires psychologically all

humans crave respect control power and

recognition and the desire to feel loved

and wanted is even stronger than the

rest you can think of desires like

toppings on a pizza and when combined in

specific amounts they can create a slice

of pizza that nobody can resist one of

the reasons why people find money so

attractive is because it allows you to

meet several of these important desires

think about it with enough money you'll

have no shortage of respect power and

control and since money is freedom and

options it can make it easier for you to

meet people and fulfill the other


human desires to charm anyone you have

to be able to transform into a slice of

pizza and you can do this by satisfying

these fundamental desires for other

people if we were to break down charisma

into a simple equation it would say that

charm is the ability to satisfy another

person's mind and senses your

personality is what is attractive to the

other person's mind your voice cologne

appearance and clothing are what satisfy

the senses so what is personality put

simply your personality is expressing

your thoughts with words and body

language first we'll start with body

language which is very straightforward

to effectively charm others we need to

maintain open body language when meeting

someone make sure to relax

tilt your head towards them and smile

make it obvious that you're honored to

meet them you should always keep your

torso abdomen and chest open and

inviting and avoid crossing your arms or

holding objects in front of your chest

it is also a good idea to keep your

hands visible because people are more

likely to trust you when they can see

your hands now that we have the proper

body language squared away we need to

become verbally attractive when using

our words to increase our charm it is

important to avoid too much flattery

because it will come off as insincere

you'll be surprised to find out how

charming you can be with just a handful

of well-placed words one of the fastest

ways to become charming without even

thinking about it is to become genuinely

fascinated with the other person's

achievements experiences and interests

most people can tell when you're

genuinely interested in what they're

saying and this is something that we

humans find irresistible because it

satisfies our desire to feel important

to keep a conversation going and keep

the other person talking the two most

powerful words in your arsenal are how

and why now if we skip back over to body

language smiling is also a crucial part

of being charming and if you have ever

watched Charlie from charisma on command

you'll see that the dude always has a

smile on his face even when he is just

talking to you normally most people

don't know that the brain is equipped

with something called mirror neurons

when someone smiles these neurons

activate and allow us to feel the same

emotions that come with a smile

a powerful smile can have a dramatic

impact on your charm game so make sure

you check a mirror every now and then

and find out what you're working with

in fact smiling is so powerful now we

can even sense when someone is smiling

over the phone just by how it changes

the sound of their voice next we're

going to take a look at the power of

touch to charm anyone you need to master

the power of non-sexual touch and

although sexual touch can also be

powerful being charming doesn't mean

pulling a Donald Trump and going around

grabbing people by their crotch punch

has a very powerful influence over

behavior and when applied correctly it

can make you seem much more persuasive

friendly and attractive now that we've

mastered most of the basics let's move

on to physical appearance if you want to

increase your charm you should always be

dressed for the occasion

put simply you don't want to wear

pajamas or slippers to a wedding to make

sure your physical appearance is as

charming as possible buy yourself some

nice clothes that fit correctly also

instead of buying a large number of

cheap outfits

you're better off spending your money on

a handful of name-brand and designer

outfits now that we've covered all the

basics let's get into the psychological

tricks that will allow you to charm

anyone one of the fundamental human

desires is to feel important and

although everyone has their own way of

making themselves feel important there

is one easy way to satisfy this need for

anyone and make yourself seem more

charming this psychological trick

consists of being good at asking


a person who is charming can have you

talking about yourself for hours and you

would probably have no idea that they're

doing it to practice this trick all that

you need to do is ask questions and

occasionally tell them something similar

about yourself which shows that you have

things in common and makes you see more

appealing the ability to charm anyone is

a skill that is almost magical but you

need to know the importance of a

person's name I believe it was Dale

Carnegie who said that a person's name

is the sweetest sound to that person and

if you can remember a person's name and

use it each time that you meet them

you'll see much more attractive in

arming all of the psychological tricks

mentioned in this video will help you

master the art of charming anyone

because they satisfy the mind and senses

of the person you're trying to charm

with enough practice imagine what you

could accomplish and how you could use

unstoppable charisma to enhance your

personal relationships get people to

like you and excel financially some of

the best salesmen and marketers in the

world have mastered the art of charming

anyone and imagine what you could

accomplish if you could do the same

until next time thanks for watching

have you ever imagined what it would be

like if you could charm anyone what if

you can walk into a room full of people

and make everyone like you once mastered

the ability to be charming can improve

all areas of your life and it's an

especially useful skill to have when

you're trying to close business deals

nail interviews or make friends it's

true that some people are born with some

magic ability to charm anyone they come

into contact with

but charisma is also a skill that can be

learned if you want the ability to be

able to charm anyone you need to

understand the psychology behind

attraction and how it works as guys we

tend to think that 90% of attraction and

charisma is about looks but it's really

only about 20 to 30% of the equation in

fact your ability to charm someone is

based almost entirely on your ability to

satisfy their mind whether you're trying

to attract a girl or persuade your boss

into giving you a raise you'll find that

most people including yourself are

attracted to a person for their passion

personality and confidence as humans we

are attracted to what satisfies our mind

and senses and in the same way a hot

fresh slice of pizza makes your mouth

water you can charm others and make them

see you as the pizza when a person is

deciding if they like you everything

happens inside of their mind so if you

can appeal to their mind you've already

won 80% of the battle the question we

need to ask ourselves is how can we

attract the mind every person's brain is

like a vault that stores all of their

desires and thoughts each person is

different but we all have the same

fundamental desires psychologically all

humans crave respect control power and

recognition and the desire to feel loved

and wanted is even stronger than the

rest you can think of desires like

toppings on a pizza and when combined in

specific amounts they can create a slice

of pizza that nobody can resist one of

the reasons why people find money so

attractive is because it allows you to

meet several of these important desires

think about it with enough money you'll

have no shortage of respect power and

control and since money is freedom and

options it can make it easier for you to

meet people and fulfill the other


human desires to charm anyone you have

to be able to transform into a slice of

pizza and you can do this by satisfying

these fundamental desires for other

people if we were to break down charisma

into a simple equation it would say that

charm is the ability to satisfy another

person's mind and senses your

personality is what is attractive to the

other person's mind your voice cologne

appearance and clothing are what satisfy

the senses so what is personality put

simply your personality is expressing

your thoughts with words and body

language first we'll start with body

language which is very straightforward

to effectively charm others we need to

maintain open body language when meeting

someone make sure to relax

tilt your head towards them and smile

make it obvious that you're honored to

meet them you should always keep your

torso abdomen and chest open and

inviting and avoid crossing your arms or

holding objects in front of your chest

it is also a good idea to keep your

hands visible because people are more

likely to trust you when they can see

your hands now that we have the proper

body language squared away we need to

become verbally attractive when using

our words to increase our charm it is

important to avoid too much flattery

because it will come off as insincere

you'll be surprised to find out how

charming you can be with just a handful

of well-placed words one of the fastest

ways to become charming without even

thinking about it is to become genuinely

fascinated with the other person's

achievements experiences and interests

most people can tell when you're

genuinely interested in what they're

saying and this is something that we

humans find irresistible because it

satisfies our desire to feel important

to keep a conversation going and keep

the other person talking the two most

powerful words in your arsenal are how

and why now if we skip back over to body

language smiling is also a crucial part

of being charming and if you have ever

watched Charlie from charisma on command

you'll see that the dude always has a

smile on his face even when he is just

talking to you normally most people

don't know that the brain is equipped

with something called mirror neurons

when someone smiles these neurons

activate and allow us to feel the same

emotions that come with a smile

a powerful smile can have a dramatic

impact on your charm game so make sure

you check a mirror every now and then

and find out what you're working with

in fact smiling is so powerful now we

can even sense when someone is smiling

over the phone just by how it changes

the sound of their voice next we're

going to take a look at the power of

touch to charm anyone you need to master

the power of non-sexual touch and

although sexual touch can also be

powerful being charming doesn't mean

pulling a Donald Trump and going around

grabbing people by their crotch punch

has a very powerful influence over

behavior and when applied correctly it

can make you seem much more persuasive

friendly and attractive now that we've

mastered most of the basics let's move

on to physical appearance if you want to

increase your charm you should always be

dressed for the occasion

put simply you don't want to wear

pajamas or slippers to a wedding to make

sure your physical appearance is as

charming as possible buy yourself some

nice clothes that fit correctly also

instead of buying a large number of

cheap outfits

you're better off spending your money on

a handful of name-brand and designer

outfits now that we've covered all the

basics let's get into the psychological

tricks that will allow you to charm

anyone one of the fundamental human

desires is to feel important and

although everyone has their own way of

making themselves feel important there

is one easy way to satisfy this need for

anyone and make yourself seem more

charming this psychological trick

consists of being good at asking


a person who is charming can have you

talking about yourself for hours and you

would probably have no idea that they're

doing it to practice this trick all that

you need to do is ask questions and

occasionally tell them something similar

about yourself which shows that you have

things in common and makes you see more

appealing the ability to charm anyone is

a skill that is almost magical but you

need to know the importance of a

person's name I believe it was Dale

Carnegie who said that a person's name

is the sweetest sound to that person and

if you can remember a person's name and

use it each time that you meet them

you'll see much more attractive in

arming all of the psychological tricks

mentioned in this video will help you

master the art of charming anyone

because they satisfy the mind and senses

of the person you're trying to charm

with enough practice imagine what you

could accomplish and how you could use

unstoppable charisma to enhance your

personal relationships get people to

like you and excel financially some of

the best salesmen and marketers in the

world have mastered the art of charming

anyone and imagine what you could

accomplish if you could do the same

until next time thanks for watching

How to be Respectful in Society

Use absence to increase respect 

I remember when I just graduated from school. I decided to go to college in Malaysia. So this was the first time I have ever traveled to another country and start living alone.

How to be Respectful in Society - source :

After all that year I came back for the first step to visit my family, and what happened is that?

My family started taking me in a more serious way, the way they dealt with me completely changed, especially my parents because this absence created this respect.

That is why your friends or family members did not respect you because we're just spending too much time with them. Yes. It's as simple as that.

I know it sounds a bit ridiculous, but when something is rare people who really appreciate it, but when there is too much of something people stopped seeing its value. That's an example, We all have some people that we really admire for some it might be a singer for others might be a president, a football player, basketball player.

We all have great respect for these people and we would be super excited to meet them. Now imagine what would happen if they started living Just beside you at the cabin friend.

You're no longer gonna have that super excited to see them or meet them. You see once you die everything about you will see different you will be surrounded by this instant aura of respect. People will remember their criticism of you, their arguments with you, and will be filled with regret and guilt.

They are missing a presence that will never return. But you don't have to wait until you die, by completely withdrawing for a while, you create a kind of death before death.

How to be Respectful in Society

And when you come back, it will be as if you had come back from the dead. But listen, this doesn't mean that you should stop completely socializing with people.

Don't get me wrong, but at the same time stop spending all your day with your friends If you want them to respect you. Get busy with other things, if you're complaining "why your parents don't take you seriously, stop spending 24 hours at home being fed by your mommy.

Always say less than necessary

Words might be the most powerful tool to make people respect you, but too much of it can lead to the opposite effect.

Let's take an example of Donald Trump, before his entrance into Politics the name of trump evoked success, luxury, and respect.

His business accomplishments showed him as a man of great success. Since most people didn't really know much about him, they had a high perception about him.

The moment he started appearing more and more on TV and spoke his mine, all the respect vanished. He bragged and blustered. He insulted and slandered people as if he felt threatened and insecure.

Suddenly, he was not at all what people had imagined. This contradiction between the high perception that people had about him and the reality disappointed a lot of people who used to see him as a role model as a sign of success and somewhat they want to be like.

The more Trump talked, the less powerful he appeared. A person who cannot control his word shows that he cannot control himself, and is unworthy of respect.

Of course, he won the election therefore you'll be respected. But in our daily life, we don't have power over other people, of course some of us might have some position that will force people to respect us. For the majority of us, we need to be careful with our words. I'm not saying you have to be completely quiet, but you have to know your limits too much of talking will actually make your words less valuable and people will take them less.

So If you want people to value every word you're going to say and respect you, then you have to watch your words.

Act like a king to be treated like a king

A guy comes in with a dirty old car wearing a t-shirt short trying to pick up girls and he gets rejected.

And the second time he comes with this luxury car dressed like a gentleman and she gives her number to him.

How to be Respectful in Society

Of course that's what's going to happen, First time you're giving a perception that you're just another fool playing around and the second time you're giving a perception that you are a successful and respectful person. And if you go what to be with the guy who is a successful and respectful person and any girl want to be with a guy who is successful. Because money and luxury represent success.

Remember Donald Trump? let's take the opposite scenario. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but let's say for the sake of example, a fat less unattractive poor girl tries to pick up a handsome young guy. What would be his reaction? compared that to if a super attractive girl pick up a guy on a Ferrari, what would be his reaction? It's no different than the story of the reaction about the girl above.

Don't expect to act like a simple normal person and be treated like a king. If you want to be respected, you got to act like a respectful person. You're dressed, your action, your attitude, your character, your choice of words all that give a perception to people of who you are.

A lot of people might think that I'm suggesting you be arrogant. That's not the point. All that I'm saying is that dress well work on a project that you're passionate about trying to achieve something in life, make people look at you as a successful person. Always be clean, talk with dignity and respect be punctual and honest and you will see how people are going to start respecting more and more.

If you agree or disagree with these tips, let me know in the comments below and of course, if you found this article helpful, give it a like thumbs up and share with your friends.

14 Tips to Things Faster

If you ever walk into a room, just to forget where you were going or what you were looking for? How about finding your car keys in the fridge or the dog's food in your cereal bowl ?
Uh-ow sounds like you could use a brain boost. Here are some great ways you can train the old thicker.

#1 Draw
Even if the best you can make on paper is a stick person and not a very good looking one at that stick to drawing whenever you can. This activity makes your right brain hemisphere work like a hundred horses triggering creativity and helping to find unconventional solutions to problems at hand.

#2. Change up your routine
If you always get up in the morning, have your coffee, take a shower, get dressed and walk out and only then wake up. It's time for a change!
Automated action stall your brain since it's not taking an active part in what you're doing. You might even forget important stuff, like whether you turn it off the kitchen stove or not.
To avoid this lack of memory change up your routine every day. It could be something small like having breakfast before you shower if you did advice verse of the day before or taking an unfamiliar route to school or work.

#3 Get a degree
Yeah only two problems with that, having the time to attend classes and the high cost. But you can get a degree that fits your schedule and avoid student debt at "University of the people".
University of the people is the first nonprofit u.s. Accredited Online University where you can get to ition free bachelor's or master's degree in the most in demand fields, like business administration, Education, Health can computer science.

The academic leadership is from the best universities around the world including Columbia, UC Berkeley, NYU and more. So no matter if you're a single parent College Dropout, or have no college campus near you. You can always study at University of the people. the fees are a fraction of the average cost across the u.s. and the textbooks are free.

All you need to apply as a high school diploma and have internet access. if that sounds like something right up your alley then check out the link in google for find out.

#4 Use the opposite hand
if you're a righty take a spoon or your toothbrush into your left hand and do the usual stuff. Lefties you are now righties for the day. When you're doing things with your dominant hand you can go about your day on autopilot, not paying particular attention to what you're doing but as soon as you start using your opposite hand, it gives much more intense. But this except for take a meal.
It's especially effective and funny when you try to write like this, on that note.

#5 Write
I mean write not type typing on a keyboard or smartphone is okay too, too, but actual writing with a pen on paper. Activates critical thinking and increases your analytical skills. It's especially true if you write something meaningful not just a bunch of gibberish copied over and over again.

It can be a diary, or you might even uncover a writer's Talent hidden deep inside yourself. Maybe your first best seller is just around the corner and you don't even know it .

#6 Learn a new language
Studies have shown that solving math problems doesn't even rack your brain as much as learning an unfamiliar tounge. When you learn a language you take on a whole new system and your brain has no other choice, but to adapt to the circumstances. Be smart about it, though don't let the tasks become a drag.

#7 Play chess chess
Chess  is one of the oldest strategic games in the world and it stood the test of time because it's awesome simple as that. If you play it regularly, you'll learn to concentrate and think bigger taking action that will affect your life a few steps ahead.

You'll also get a deeper understanding of others intentions. After all that's what chess is all about. And while we're on that next topic.

#8 Play video games
Well, it's confirmed Gamers really do have big brains one, in  2015 study found that action video games in particular improve Reaction Time, observation skills and decision making. The researchers say that other types of games don't have this effect, so go where the action is.

#9 Do the chores
Preferably before you play any games you got to earn the fun time, right? Sure. Well, either way your brain comes out on top. Housework also contributes to your brain power it boils down to physical activity, which is great for the noggin but more on that later. It's also effective at taking your mind off the bigger problems too.

#10 Pick your nose
Pick your nose or pick that guy's nose, just be careful when you think hard about something and find your finger inside your nostril, Don't hurry to remove it. Okay, maybe if someone's watching, otherwise remember that massaging your mucous membrane could be more useful than just digging for gold. It sends a signal to your brain to wake up and do its job. So you might find a useful thought faster.

#11 Walk
Walking increases your blood flow, which means more blood and oxygen that hitchhiker with it comes to important stuff, ever caught yourself getting up and walking around the room when someone called you on the phone reaches your brain. This boost the thinking organs activity, making it more flexible when it comes to important stuff.

Ever caught yourself getting up and walking around the room and someone calls you on the phone comment down below if you have I know I have because it means your brain automatically switches to active mode.

#12 Eat chocolate
Well, this is my favorite. If you have a sweet tooth, this one's for you. Chocolate contains amino acid lysin that helps your brain process, things faster and with more efficiency. It's only about dark chocolate though, because licen is found in cocoa beans. So the more cocoa there is in your chocolate the better.

if you prefer milk chocolate try to choose the types that have at least 30 % cocoa. Sugar may give your brain a boost, but it'll only be temporary and after an hour or so, you'll just feel tired and groggy

#13 Breathe
Here's a simple exercise that will fill your brain with oxygen and let you feel a rush of energy. Exhale all the air from your lungs and hold your breath for as long as you can, don't wait until your black out though that's called hypoxia and it's not cool. When you can't hold it any longer, breathing powerfully and repeat.

The influx of air into your lungs will send oxygen to the tissues and your blood will start pumping faster and that as you remember enhances brain function, do this a couple of times every day and you'll get a clearer head in no time.

#14 Sleep
Whatever you do from this list, remember sleep can never be overrated. If you don't get enough shut-eye at night then no boosting in the world will help you think faster or bigger. even coffee has its limits because it basically uses up your own inner energy by activating it.

You don't necessarily need seven to eight hours of sleep, but you should catch enough sleep to fell refresheed and ready to tackle the day.

Hey, if you learn something new today, then give this like and share.

Twenty Unique Things in Japan

Really I can't count how many times I've heard that Japan is a unique country different from the rest of the world. he got me wondering and one day I just couldn't take it I started my own research in spoiler alert it was first shattering kind of like Godzilla when I have Pringles soup when in Japan are you going in the mood for dinner with a huge plush Moomin and a Japanese Cafe not a problem at all and let me tell you that's just the beginning.

1.    Most people know that a sure sign they can cross the road is the little lit up green man, well not in Japan there you should wait for a green rabbit called Miffy this bunny is a creation of Dick Bruna. a Dutch offer of children's books how did this rabbit make it to Japan being super simple it looks very much like the Hello Kitty. the Japanese are in love with it.
sign cross street - unique japan

2.    Ever tried those amazing head massagers that are said to reduce stress and rid you of headaches cool, huh in Japan you can get a lazy and much more creative alternative to this advice it's electric and looks like a big multi-colored octopus.

3.    You're probably used to sitting on a chair when visiting a bar or a cafe?  you might ask me “when you're talking about ?” what else am I supposed to sit on. Well in Japan Cafe cheers look more like low comfortable armchairs and if you try hard enough you can even lie on one of them such pieces of furniture called Izakaya which is also the name of the informal Japanese pubs where you can find them.

Izakaya chair - Unique Japan

4.     In Japan, they grow square watermelons know it's not a slip of the tongue that would have been square watermelon. In Kagawa prefecture, they produce a couple hundred square watermelons a year these watermelons aren't genetically modified or anything like that it's just that such a shape makes it easier to deliver the fruit to retailers, unfortunately, most square watermelons get harvested before they're ripe and therefore they're not meant for eating right away. But if you decide to get one it's the cost will be impressive about $ 15 to $ 20 per box

5.    Pringles have been incredibly popular all over the world for decades however when you buy Pringles in Japan you don't get a tube of potato chips you get noodles yep Pringles is a noodle brand and the Japanese eat this Ramen very often.

6.    Usually a coffee machine is a simple thing several buttons for choosing a drink to your liking and standard paper cups in Japan however a coffee machine is so much more first there's a service that lets you order your coffee in a special app and pick it up in the most conveniently located store at a particular time but on top of that you get your drink not in a plastic or paper cup but in a bottle that can be customized with the help of multicolored tags.

7.    What would be more natural for us westerners then to visit the nearest cafe order a coffee and a sandwich and enjoy our lunch break sitting alone at the table but in Japan if you come to a cafe alone you get a massive plush moment as your lunch companion so that you don't feel sad.

8.    Animal shaped cookies are always fun to eat aren't they know that feeling of anticipation when you put your hand in the bag and try to guess which Critter you're going to leave next few carnivores in Japan you can play the same guessing game but they're your catch will be Pokemon shaped cookies

9.    every single time I eat sushi rice balls out the pieces of fish as soon as I pick them up with my Chopsticks, now in Japan though people don't have this problem they make the rice with a special sauce that consists of salt sugar and rice vinegar is sauce keeps the rice together and allows you to bring Sushi up to your mouth in one peace.

10.    A holiday meal means tons of tasty food and of course a big roast turkey, but if you ever celebrate the holidays while in Japan don't be surprised to be treated with KFC instead of more traditional food the thing is that in this country eating food from KFC for the holidays is a widely practiced tradition.

11.    In the Ginza District of Tokyo there's an unusual stationery store which Rises 12 floors the store sells high-quality stationery and each of its levels has a different concept for example on the second floor you'll find the shared space where there are things necessary for sending your thoughts to other people like envelopes letter paper and postcards you can write a letter write been in there and send it immediately from where you are and on the 4th floor in the meeting space you can create an original notebook with a cover and paper of your choice and your name engraved on it number to well.

12.    There are more than 50 million vending machines in Japan and that means they're literally everywhere besides they're incredibly diverse you can buy almost anything therefrom hot dishes ice cream and candies to books umbrellas and newspapers rumor has it these vending machines make around 50 billion a year.
vending machines - Unique Japan

13.    If you're in Japan and wondering which souvenirs you can get for your family and friends try Japan limited kitkat's they come in loads of different interesting kind of like green tea for example to collect them all

14.    It's a common thing in Japan to see people handing out free tissues on the street what's the catch with simple companies put their advertisements on or inside tissue packages and people who take them learn about their services or products it must be working since more than four billion free tissue packages get distributed in Japan every year, that's a lot of runny noses

15.    Suffering from the cold in the winter ? just get yourself one of these one use pocket heaters that are so popular in Japan it's called Cairo and nowadays you just need to open it for the chemical reaction to begin besides warming your hands you can also stick these warmers inside your clothes when a gym of an idea for a freezing winter number

16.    Photo booths are nothing new to anyone these days but in Japan these machines call Purikura are a hold different level c4yourself there you can only take your photo but also a design or writing adjust the size of your facial features or even send the receive photos to your mobile device however there's some bad news for men they aren't allowed and are most Purikura establishments on their own they must have a NASCAR

17.    Do you love unusual forms of art? that how about rice paddy art it was born in the village of Eniko Dante in the Amore prefecture in 1993 to attract attention to the place apparently the attempt was a success because now rice paddy Fields have already appeared in more than one hundred other locations. So what exactly is rice Paddy art? people plant rice of different colors and times to create breathtaking images in Paddy Fields looking at these field from above you can see your favorite anime characters

Paddy Field - Unique Japan

18.    Imagine returning home after a long and crazy day at work the only thing you can think of is lying down on your bed and closing your eyes but you still have a long and tiresome Subway commute well the Japanese have found a solution for this problem and that's a Subway chinrest it may look bizarre at Forsyth but this way even if you're not off while standing shoulder-to-shoulder with other passengers you won't tip over you might even have a good pre-dinner nap

19.    If you arrive in Japan order a taxi and here it is nothing new but then you almost jump out of your skin when the car's door opens automatically right under your nose these doors were first introduced by large taxi companies in 1964 for the Tokyo Olympic Games the Japanese believe that such Hospitality would allow passengers to have an even more enjoyable ride

20.    Other Japanese railway lines the Yamagata shinkansen which is the name of a high-speed train in Japan is a mini shinkansen root that means that the train speed on this route doesn't reach more than 80 miles per hour, but that's not the most curious thing about this line connecting Fukushima and Shinjo trains on this route have sightseeing cars with foot bath they're positioned in such a way that you can watch breathtaking views pass by while soaking your feet on top of that some cars are furnished with tatami flooring for tourist to enjoy every single minute of their ride oh yeah.
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