How to be Respectful in Society

Use absence to increase respect 

I remember when I just graduated from school. I decided to go to college in Malaysia. So this was the first time I have ever traveled to another country and start living alone.

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After all that year I came back for the first step to visit my family, and what happened is that?

My family started taking me in a more serious way, the way they dealt with me completely changed, especially my parents because this absence created this respect.

That is why your friends or family members did not respect you because we're just spending too much time with them. Yes. It's as simple as that.

I know it sounds a bit ridiculous, but when something is rare people who really appreciate it, but when there is too much of something people stopped seeing its value. That's an example, We all have some people that we really admire for some it might be a singer for others might be a president, a football player, basketball player.

We all have great respect for these people and we would be super excited to meet them. Now imagine what would happen if they started living Just beside you at the cabin friend.

You're no longer gonna have that super excited to see them or meet them. You see once you die everything about you will see different you will be surrounded by this instant aura of respect. People will remember their criticism of you, their arguments with you, and will be filled with regret and guilt.

They are missing a presence that will never return. But you don't have to wait until you die, by completely withdrawing for a while, you create a kind of death before death.

How to be Respectful in Society

And when you come back, it will be as if you had come back from the dead. But listen, this doesn't mean that you should stop completely socializing with people.

Don't get me wrong, but at the same time stop spending all your day with your friends If you want them to respect you. Get busy with other things, if you're complaining "why your parents don't take you seriously, stop spending 24 hours at home being fed by your mommy.

Always say less than necessary

Words might be the most powerful tool to make people respect you, but too much of it can lead to the opposite effect.

Let's take an example of Donald Trump, before his entrance into Politics the name of trump evoked success, luxury, and respect.

His business accomplishments showed him as a man of great success. Since most people didn't really know much about him, they had a high perception about him.

The moment he started appearing more and more on TV and spoke his mine, all the respect vanished. He bragged and blustered. He insulted and slandered people as if he felt threatened and insecure.

Suddenly, he was not at all what people had imagined. This contradiction between the high perception that people had about him and the reality disappointed a lot of people who used to see him as a role model as a sign of success and somewhat they want to be like.

The more Trump talked, the less powerful he appeared. A person who cannot control his word shows that he cannot control himself, and is unworthy of respect.

Of course, he won the election therefore you'll be respected. But in our daily life, we don't have power over other people, of course some of us might have some position that will force people to respect us. For the majority of us, we need to be careful with our words. I'm not saying you have to be completely quiet, but you have to know your limits too much of talking will actually make your words less valuable and people will take them less.

So If you want people to value every word you're going to say and respect you, then you have to watch your words.

Act like a king to be treated like a king

A guy comes in with a dirty old car wearing a t-shirt short trying to pick up girls and he gets rejected.

And the second time he comes with this luxury car dressed like a gentleman and she gives her number to him.

How to be Respectful in Society

Of course that's what's going to happen, First time you're giving a perception that you're just another fool playing around and the second time you're giving a perception that you are a successful and respectful person. And if you go what to be with the guy who is a successful and respectful person and any girl want to be with a guy who is successful. Because money and luxury represent success.

Remember Donald Trump? let's take the opposite scenario. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but let's say for the sake of example, a fat less unattractive poor girl tries to pick up a handsome young guy. What would be his reaction? compared that to if a super attractive girl pick up a guy on a Ferrari, what would be his reaction? It's no different than the story of the reaction about the girl above.

Don't expect to act like a simple normal person and be treated like a king. If you want to be respected, you got to act like a respectful person. You're dressed, your action, your attitude, your character, your choice of words all that give a perception to people of who you are.

A lot of people might think that I'm suggesting you be arrogant. That's not the point. All that I'm saying is that dress well work on a project that you're passionate about trying to achieve something in life, make people look at you as a successful person. Always be clean, talk with dignity and respect be punctual and honest and you will see how people are going to start respecting more and more.

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