Charming people

have you ever imagined what it would be

like if you could charm anyone what if

you can walk into a room full of people

and make everyone like you once mastered

the ability to be charming can improve

all areas of your life and it's an

especially useful skill to have when

you're trying to close business deals

nail interviews or make friends it's

true that some people are born with some

magic ability to charm anyone they come

into contact with

but charisma is also a skill that can be

learned if you want the ability to be

able to charm anyone you need to

understand the psychology behind

attraction and how it works as guys we

tend to think that 90% of attraction and

charisma is about looks but it's really

only about 20 to 30% of the equation in

fact your ability to charm someone is

based almost entirely on your ability to

satisfy their mind whether you're trying

to attract a girl or persuade your boss

into giving you a raise you'll find that

most people including yourself are

attracted to a person for their passion

personality and confidence as humans we

are attracted to what satisfies our mind

and senses and in the same way a hot

fresh slice of pizza makes your mouth

water you can charm others and make them

see you as the pizza when a person is

deciding if they like you everything

happens inside of their mind so if you

can appeal to their mind you've already

won 80% of the battle the question we

need to ask ourselves is how can we

attract the mind every person's brain is

like a vault that stores all of their

desires and thoughts each person is

different but we all have the same

fundamental desires psychologically all

humans crave respect control power and

recognition and the desire to feel loved

and wanted is even stronger than the

rest you can think of desires like

toppings on a pizza and when combined in

specific amounts they can create a slice

of pizza that nobody can resist one of

the reasons why people find money so

attractive is because it allows you to

meet several of these important desires

think about it with enough money you'll

have no shortage of respect power and

control and since money is freedom and

options it can make it easier for you to

meet people and fulfill the other


human desires to charm anyone you have

to be able to transform into a slice of

pizza and you can do this by satisfying

these fundamental desires for other

people if we were to break down charisma

into a simple equation it would say that

charm is the ability to satisfy another

person's mind and senses your

personality is what is attractive to the

other person's mind your voice cologne

appearance and clothing are what satisfy

the senses so what is personality put

simply your personality is expressing

your thoughts with words and body

language first we'll start with body

language which is very straightforward

to effectively charm others we need to

maintain open body language when meeting

someone make sure to relax

tilt your head towards them and smile

make it obvious that you're honored to

meet them you should always keep your

torso abdomen and chest open and

inviting and avoid crossing your arms or

holding objects in front of your chest

it is also a good idea to keep your

hands visible because people are more

likely to trust you when they can see

your hands now that we have the proper

body language squared away we need to

become verbally attractive when using

our words to increase our charm it is

important to avoid too much flattery

because it will come off as insincere

you'll be surprised to find out how

charming you can be with just a handful

of well-placed words one of the fastest

ways to become charming without even

thinking about it is to become genuinely

fascinated with the other person's

achievements experiences and interests

most people can tell when you're

genuinely interested in what they're

saying and this is something that we

humans find irresistible because it

satisfies our desire to feel important

to keep a conversation going and keep

the other person talking the two most

powerful words in your arsenal are how

and why now if we skip back over to body

language smiling is also a crucial part

of being charming and if you have ever

watched Charlie from charisma on command

you'll see that the dude always has a

smile on his face even when he is just

talking to you normally most people

don't know that the brain is equipped

with something called mirror neurons

when someone smiles these neurons

activate and allow us to feel the same

emotions that come with a smile

a powerful smile can have a dramatic

impact on your charm game so make sure

you check a mirror every now and then

and find out what you're working with

in fact smiling is so powerful now we

can even sense when someone is smiling

over the phone just by how it changes

the sound of their voice next we're

going to take a look at the power of

touch to charm anyone you need to master

the power of non-sexual touch and

although sexual touch can also be

powerful being charming doesn't mean

pulling a Donald Trump and going around

grabbing people by their crotch punch

has a very powerful influence over

behavior and when applied correctly it

can make you seem much more persuasive

friendly and attractive now that we've

mastered most of the basics let's move

on to physical appearance if you want to

increase your charm you should always be

dressed for the occasion

put simply you don't want to wear

pajamas or slippers to a wedding to make

sure your physical appearance is as

charming as possible buy yourself some

nice clothes that fit correctly also

instead of buying a large number of

cheap outfits

you're better off spending your money on

a handful of name-brand and designer

outfits now that we've covered all the

basics let's get into the psychological

tricks that will allow you to charm

anyone one of the fundamental human

desires is to feel important and

although everyone has their own way of

making themselves feel important there

is one easy way to satisfy this need for

anyone and make yourself seem more

charming this psychological trick

consists of being good at asking


a person who is charming can have you

talking about yourself for hours and you

would probably have no idea that they're

doing it to practice this trick all that

you need to do is ask questions and

occasionally tell them something similar

about yourself which shows that you have

things in common and makes you see more

appealing the ability to charm anyone is

a skill that is almost magical but you

need to know the importance of a

person's name I believe it was Dale

Carnegie who said that a person's name

is the sweetest sound to that person and

if you can remember a person's name and

use it each time that you meet them

you'll see much more attractive in

arming all of the psychological tricks

mentioned in this video will help you

master the art of charming anyone

because they satisfy the mind and senses

of the person you're trying to charm

with enough practice imagine what you

could accomplish and how you could use

unstoppable charisma to enhance your

personal relationships get people to

like you and excel financially some of

the best salesmen and marketers in the

world have mastered the art of charming

anyone and imagine what you could

accomplish if you could do the same

until next time thanks for watching

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